Counselling and mediation
You already know which Requirements you need to fulfil for the start of a professorship and which Preparations you can meet? Then we will be happy to answer your individual questions.
You have the possibility to
to get advice.
through mentors
Our mentors are professors from the project universities. They themselves were once at the point where you are now. They act as role models and share their experience. In addition, they have a good insight into what is currently happening at their university of applied sciences and can give you information about opportunities for guest lectures or teaching assignments.
Mentors sorted by FHs and HAWs
Mentors sorted by subject
through gender equality offices
The equal opportunities offices at the various universities are also good places to start. They know about the various support programmes for young female professors and can give you the names of other people to contact.
through the PROfessur project
The counselling provided by subject-specific mentors or specific
Universities are too detailed for you? You have general questions or
would like to be referred? Send us an email: